November Newsletter

Upcoming Gatherings Events
The Gatherings Committee has some great events coming up for the remainder of the year.
Remember, they put these on for YOU, so mark the dates on your calendar and we’ll see you there! 

Collective Conversations – “The Art of Giving Back”
November 21, 6:30pm
A panel discussion with local organizations/charities and discuss how we as artist can use our skills to give back. 

Open to the public, Marquee Room at the Delft Bistro

Collective Conversations – “The Five Steps of the Creative Process”
December 19, 6:30pm
Join collective member Ruby Miller of Andromeda Studio to discuss the creative process. 

Collective Conversations are open to anyone. It is a chance for artists to get together and discuss similar struggles and empower one another. #communityovercompetition. 

‘Artin’ with the MAC’
The purpose of these types of gatherings is to see the studios of different members within the Collective while also having an art making, open studio night! Bring your own art to work on. Our public art nights are done for the year, thank you to everyone who joined us. The following will be for members only. Watch your emails for more info.

December 3rd – Members Only 
January 7th – Members Only – Art White Elephant Gift Exchange

Welcome New Members!
Charlie LaVoy
Allison Cherrette

Welcome, new members!
We’re looking forward to having you at our upcoming members only “Artin’ with the MAC” events, which will be hosted at members homes. Keep an eye on your email inboxes for specifics about location/what to expect.
 Not a member yet? JOIN US!

Click Join Us to fill out the application
Then stop by The Gallery to pay the $20 yearly fee

Collective Connections
Looking for more ways to help out the team? This is a listing of tasks the different committees need people for. There are varying skills and schedules for the different tasks to help you find the right fit. Keep an eye on the private Facebook page and the website calendar for upcoming meetings and events.

GALLERY DOCENTS The Holidays are upon us!!! MANY THANKS to all the new gallery docents! We still need coverage for some hours each week, especially at this busy time of year. This position is a good match for folks that enjoy interacting with people and having a low-stress, regularly scheduled commitment. Schedule is managed through the app Homebase. If you want to show work in our Members Gallery section, being a docent is part of the exchange. (and the more hours we’re open, the more opportunity for Collective artists to sell their work!) If this sounds like a good fit for you, email Joy Bender Hadley at with “Gallery Docent” in the subject line. 

INVENTORY TRACKER As artists and their works are added, sold and swapped in the members gallery, the Inventory Tracker will be responsible for maintaining a record of what work is in the gallery via spreadsheet and Square (our POS program). They would also be responsible for printing/hanging labels. This position is part of the gallery committee, but also works with the finance committee as sales are made and artists are added or removed from the gallery. If this sounds like a good fit for you, email Matt Johnson at with “Gallery Inventory Tracker” in the subject line.

GALLERY COMMITTEE It takes many hands and brains to keep the gallery running smoothly and if you’re interested in being part of that, now is a good time to join the gallery committee. Meeting times are posted on the “Calendar” section of our website. This committee needs people with imagination, and a variety of skills who enjoy being part of a team!  If this sounds like a good fit for you, email Matt Johnson at with “Gallery Committee” in the subject line. 
The awesome Taryn has moved onto her next adventure and it’s time to find a new chairperson for the PR Committee. Such a person would be working with the team (the people putting out this newsletter- for example) to make sure the community gets to learn about the collective, our various events and all other collective-related info. If this sounds like a good fit for you, email Alan McAnulty at with “PR Committee Chair” in the subject line. 
The Membership Committee is the youngest committee and would like a few more brains to help with designing and implementing systems that will help membership and intra-collective communication run smoothly. If you’re a newer member or have been a member for a while, your insight, ideas and feedback would be valuable for this committee. If this sounds like a good fit for you, email Ruby Miller at with “Membership Committee” in the subject line.
If you’re the kind of person who likes knowing what’s going on, the Gathering committee would like to have you on their team. This role would mean researching and staying current on local events that the Collective should have a presence at and how to get in touch or involved with these events. If this sounds like a good fit for you, email Sabrina Langdon at with “Gatherings Event Scout” in the subject line.Copyright © 2019 Marquette Artist Collective, All rights reserved.

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